Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Science Fair Reminders

OK there seems to be some confusion on what is due and when it is due. This Friday, April 29, a conclusion and graph are due. This means that your experiment must be complete but there is no need to bring your project to school or hand in your Final Report/Display Board yet. Conclusions and graphs can be on a sheet of notebook paper for this due date.

Final Reports are to follow the check list that went home with the students last week.

On May 13, DISPLAY BOARDS are DUE!!! Display Boards are to also follow the check list that went home with students last week.

If you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comment box, call the school, or email me!

Email: laura.sidebottom@hancock.kyschools.us
Phone: 270-927-6255

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Science Fair Help

I hope that all of your experiments are going well and that you are learning from the experience. Just wanted to remind you to record your observations in your science journals as soon as they happen. We all know humans are not perfect and our memory isn't the greatest, so record your observations!!! On Arpil 29th a graph and your conclusions are due. Chartgo is a great website to help you make that graph. Don't forget your titles and that you need to pick the type of graph that best expresses your data!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Back into the Swing

Hope you all have had a wonderful spring break....only 7 WEEKS of School left!!! Sure has flown by, that's for sure! Testing begins next week, but we have some major events in class that need to be taken care of this week. Tomorrow is going to be an Open Response Day! Here's your hint.....Tectonic Plates: What are some changes that happen to the Earth's surface because of the plate movement? How does it happen?

Test is on Wednesday. Parent signatures on the study guide will be due as well.

Keep coming back for more info and events!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Just a Few Reminders

Hope everyone is having and fun and safe Spring Break. I just returned from Disney World with the High School softball team and had a blast...but life must go on and I just wanted to refresh your rested minds on what is coming up.

Monday: Review for Test
Tuesday: Open Response
Wednesday: Test
Thursday: Start Weathering and Erosion
Friday: Science Fair Check Point (Make sure you are recording your observations in your notebooks.
Display Boards will be on sale for $4.50 a piece.

Check this link out for information on collecting data and making observations.


Saturday, April 2, 2011


Enjoy the week off! Spring break is an excellent time get caught up on the science fair.  If you have any questions post them in the comments for this post and I will do my best to respond.