The squid has 8 arms attached to its head. They have suckers along the inner surface.
The beak is located in the mouth of the squid, under its arms. The squid uses the beak to bite and tear its food.
Cephalopod means head-foot. It is the class of mollusks to which squid, octopus, nautilus and cuttlefish belong.
Fins are the triangular folds on the mantle of the squid that balance and stabilize its body. The fins also can be used for movement.
Ink is the substance that the squid expels from its body to protect itself from enemies. The ink confuses the enemy so that the squid can escape. The ink is stored in the ink sac.
jet propulsion
Squid move or propel themselves through the water like a rocket does. This is called jet propulsion.
The mantle is the muscula sac which contains the internal ogans of the squid.
A mollusk is a soft-bodied invertebrate. The squid belong to the mollusk family.
The pen is the internal shell of the squid
The siphon is a funnel-like organ through which the squid forces water to propel itself. By moving the siphon, the squid can move in any direction,
The squid has 2 tentacles which it uses to catch its prey, They are longer and thinner than the 8 arms and the ends are covered with suckers.
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